Friday, October 22, 2010

Surgery Update

 Harper had all of her pre-op visits this week.  Surgery is a go for November 2.  We won't know the exact time until the day before but she'll be the first patient on the schedule.  We'll probably have to be at the hospital between 5:30-6:30am.  The earlier, the better because as soon as this little girl opens her eyes, she points to her high chair....she's hungry!
 Here's our future doctor getting ready to check daddy's heart.

 Sounds good....
 Nosey butt, checking out all of the cabinets.

She was a perfect little  patient this week.  We saw the ENT doctor today, he looked inside her ears & removed alot of wax & saw a moderate amount of fluid in her ear.  Her hearing test showed mild-moderate hearing loss due to the fluid.  We feel like if her hearing loss was significant, she wouldn't be repeating & trying to sound things out as well as she is.  Bottom line.....we don't think her hearing loss is significant.

On another note, we're getting our first babysitter on Saturday.  Wish us luck, or should I say wish the babysitter luck!  Harper is a handful, but I'm very comfortable leaving her with Kasey (the babysitter). 

1 comment:

  1. SO thankful the appt went well and her hearing is not as serious as you first thought!!! She is just the sweetest little one. So praying her surgery goes well and heals quickly!!!
