Friday, October 1, 2010

Surgery scheduled

This is a photo taken in China.

We found out Harper's cleft palate surgery is scheduled for November 2 @ 9am.  If needed, while she's under anesthesia, she may have tubes put in her ears before the palate repair.  She'll spend the night in the hospital one night, if she's eating & drinking normally, she'll be discharged the next day.  She'll then have about a 2 week recovery.  She'll be on a soft food diet & wear arm restraints so she won't stick anything in her mouth.
Over the next few weeks before the surgery, she'll have an echocardiogram to check for cardiac defects, she'll see an ear, nose & throat specialist to check out her ears, & a pre-op check up.

So far, she's been a trooper at the doctor's office.  I hope she does well because some of these appointments will take up a lot of the day.
They said to pack a snack....HA I need to pack a cooler with this kid!

1 comment:

  1. Sure praying for you all as you prepare for the surgery. We just went through it and God was so faithful as I know He will be with precious Harper. Blessings to you all!!!
