Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Little Bit of History

What can I say, this is something we've been dreaming about for years & now it's finally going to happen. Little did we know in 2007 that our journey to China would take many turns before getting on the path to Harper.

When we started our journey to China, we were told the timeframe to be matched with a healthy, young female would be around 12-18 months. Ok, we can wait that long...just be patient. As the months went on, the program quickly slowed down. China made new rules & regulations limiting the number of people who could adopt from their country. The one-child rule was being lifted. Basically the demand was much higher than the supply, which is good, not as many babies were being abandoned. As of now, the "wait" continues to lengthens, & if we stayed in the non special needs (NSN) line, we wouldn't expect to get a referral for at least 3-4 more years! Honestly, we aren't getting any younger. We started this process in our early 30's/40's now we are approaching our mid 30's/40's. Whew....where does the time go.

After being logged in for a year, our hearts opened up to the "special needs" (SN) program. We've waited patiently on GW's SN list for almost 2 yrs with out a successful match. We withdrew from a match over the summer, which was heartbreaking. I do believe when one door slams, another door opens although at the time, it doesn't make sense.

After much thought, a ton of research & high recommendations, we decided to switch to a smaller agency. We signed with BAAS in December 2009 & matched in January 2010.

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