Wow! It's hard to believe that Harper has been a part of our family for 6 entire months!
Everyday her personality gets bigger, her smile gets bigger & of course, her belly gets bigger.
She's gained about 5 lbs since we've been home.
In 6 months, she's learned how to give hugs & kisses, can count to 10, & sings her ABC's.
We were expecting her to be delayed developmentally, but thus far, her speech is the only delay, which was expected.
It was apparent her foster family loved her & taught her more than the basics.
For them, I am thankful.
Foster Family-approx July 2010
We're so lucky to have a handful of photos of them.
You can't imagine the amount of time I spent analyzing the photos just to catch a glimpse of her life in China.
September 11, 2010
October 2, 2011 (Harper's bday, notice her cleft palate)
November 2, 2010 (hours before her palate repair)
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
Six months.....I can't believe it!
Can she get any cuter?
We're so lucky......
Happy 6 months and you are very blessed!!! :)