Just a quick post to update everyone on the surgery. We got to the hospital @ 6am (yes, we were a bit late), they gave her an oral sedative to relax her & they took her back around 7:20. She had tubes put in her ears first, the ENT doc said she had thick fluid in her ears which he suctioned out. Now she'll be able to hear better!
We were notified @ 11:15 that the doc was finished reparing her palate. No surprises, straight forward palate surgery....thank God!! We finally got to see Harper @ 12:15 in her room. Her face is swollen, her poor tongue is stitched to the side of her mouth & when she cries, there's blood that comes out of her nose (which is normal). I'll be honest....she looks rough, it just breaks my heart. I couldn't help but get teary-eyed.
Thankfully, Aunt Manda is her nurse today & was the first person she saw when she woke up. Manda said she recognized her & reached up to be held.
Harper is not a happy camper, she does not like her arms restrained, doesn't like the tongue stitch & is in alot of pain. They gave her more pain meds a while ago & she's sleeping soundly.
She already drank 4 oz of apple juice which is a huge step for recovery.
I'm hoping the worst is over.
I'm sending a huge thank you to everyone for their support & prayers. It's comforting to know how many people love & care about her.
glad surgery went well:) Wishing Harper a speedy recovery!