Thursday, September 2, 2010

day 4

It's been  4 full days now with Harper & she has came out of her shell showing her true colors.
She is a very determined strong willed toddler.  She knows what she wants but can't communicate because of her cleft palate.  She'll start screaming & pull our hand to show us what she wants.  After she gets what she wants, she's happy, typical 2 yr old right?
Overall, she's been a joy & we've been very lucky.  We got our first hug & kiss on day 3, she will cuddle when she's tired but otherwise she is a busy, active child.  She does best if she's doing a "job" so we'll have her help fold clothes or clean the table.  She reminds us alot of Julian only a little bit louder.
She LOVES her stroller, so much we have to hide it, & being outside.  I know it's hard for her to be in this hotel room, considering she came from a rural area, maybe a farming area.
We went to the wild goose pagooda on Wed. We prayed to Buddha. Later on that night while  getting ready for bed, she kept making Bria & I to get on our pillow & pray.  It's the cutest thing.
We had a free day yesterday so we took her swimming & she loved it.  She wasn't afraid to het her face wet.
It's now Friday morning here, we'll go to breakfast, take nap, pack our bags,check out of the hotel, do a little bit of site seeing, pick up Harper's passport @ 4 then head to the airport to catch an 8pm flight to Guangzhou.  Our trip is half way over, we're ready to move on to the next leg. 
Xi'an is historical, but difficult for us to get around without a guide.  We are the only Westerners around here.  I know, it's China, what do we expect. We're ready to move on....Supposedly Guangzhou is a little more Western & easier to get around on our own. Plus, there will be other adoptive families at our hotel.
Thanks to everyone for their prayers & support.
Our flight tonight is 2hr 30m, hopefully Harper will sleep, or it will be a long, loud flight!


  1. I tried to call the other night but it didn't go through. I'm glad to hear everything is going so well!!

  2. She reminds me of Kolton and being independent at age 2yrs old "they grow up so fast". She sounds like her development is right on schedule for her age which is wonderful. Soon she will be talking so much, don't worry, then you want them to be quiet sometimes..hahaha. love you
