Over the weekend, Harper enjoyed her first Mizzou football game. We were hesitant taking her but decided that she should be exposed to our lifestyle sooner than later.
We met our friends around 10:45am which happened to be right around naptime. I figured she'd sleep in the stroller, I was wrong. She entertained herself with beads & people watched.
Do you like my cheerleading outfit? Aunt La (Mindy) got it for me....it's a little big but I'll grow into it.
I've already gained 2 lbs since I've been home.
We were at another tailgate that had a blow up Truman. She was very amused with Truman.
The game started at 1pm & she seemed to like it. She wasn't frightened by the large crowds & noise. She clapped when we scored along with the crowd. When we scored a touch down, the canon goes off, I thought it might scare her, but Harper thought it was funny.
She lasted until half time & finally passed out. There was no whining or crying, she just fell asleep in daddy's arms.
First game = A+
Second game....we'll see how it goes
After nap time, we met up with some friends at Shakespeare's Pizza. We were there about 2 1/2 hours visiting & waiting for our food. Harper was a perfect angel. She sat nice in her high chair for a while & enjoyed watching & playing with all of the kids.
First restaurant outing = A+
I realize these outings will probably be short lived, but we need to enjoy it while we can.