Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's been 48 hours since we've had Harper, honestly it's seems like she's always been with us.  She is very comfortable around us & attaching well.  About the only time she is fussy is when she's tired, she's easilly comforted by us giving her a bottle & laying down with her. She falls asleep within 10 minutes or so.
Harper is understanding more English by the day.  It amazes us the things she knows but can't communicate verbally.  For example, I asked her to give daddy a piece of bread I had in my hand, she walked right over to Neil & gave it to him. I asked her to hold her dress up while I took her diaper off, she did.
We said lets take a bath, she started rubbing her belly & when she got in the big bath tub, she took the wash cloth & was mimicking hand washing clothes & ringing it out. 
She may have been in a religious household because she gets on her knees, put her hands in prayer position & then puts her head to the floor!  It's so funny to watch this 2 yr old transform in front of our eyes.
She loves not having to be restrained in the car, we're gonna have some major problems when we get home, especially driving 2 hours.
We went to the Terra Cotta soldiers today & she was a champ, loves her stroller & passed out by the end of the tour.  Our guide took us to a traditional tea room, although we were so hot & sticky, & we had a cup of tea. 
We'll post more later about China & the driving....If you think New York City is crazy...China is 10 times worse.
Going to bed now.....


  1. We love baby Harper! She is such a happy little girl! We are so excited for Sept. 11th to get here!!!!!

  2. She is a cutie!! Reagan wants to know what her middle name is?
