Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cranio-facial appt

Harper had her Cranio-facial appt on Monday.  Our appt was at 3:30 & we didn't get out of there until 5:10pm.  They were running behind as usual, but Harper was a very good girl considering 3 different docs stuck their fingers in her mouth. By the third time, she started crying, understandable.
We're still waiting to hear when her palate surgery will be but are hoping for sometime in November.  They won't operate until the child has been in the country for at least 6 weeks.  Kids adopted internationally tend to get sick because of the change in their diets & environment.
The palate repair is less invasive than I thought.  They will basically stretch the tissue from the roof of her mouth & sew it together, covering the "hole" in her palate.  She'll spend the night in the hospital only 1 night.
The skin will regenerate, grow back & become hard over time.  She'll need to be out of daycare for 2 weeks. She'll  wear arm restraints so she doesn't stick any foreign objects in her mouth that could puncture the roof & eat very soft foods for that time frame. 
They also addressed her burn scars.  They gave us silicone sheating to tape on it to reduce the scarring & roughness.  That's been an ordeal.  The scars are  under the butt cheek so it's difficult to keep it taped on.  Not sure how much this will help but it's worth a try.

We're still working on the sleeping arrangements.   Currently, we lay her down in our bed & move her to the packnplay (which is right next to our bed) when she's asleep.  She sleeps all night which is good. I'd really like to get her sleeping in her room before I go back to work. She has a crib in her room which she will not even get in it, even with her favorite toys.   I'm open to any suggestions because this isn't working very well.

Harper loves playing with the hose. 
Harper was "supposed" to be napping. I kept hearing alot of chit chat with her baby doll.  Looks like she passed out while trying to escape our bed.

This is the only time I've been able to put any kind of barrette in her hair.  Had to capture it!

1 comment:

  1. I just recently found out that you adopted Harper. Congratulations!! She is sooooooo sweet. I know you will be a great mommy! It sounds like she is adjusting well. As far as advice for getting her to sleep in her her age, could you just go directly to a toddler bed? I wonder if she might like it better. We put Mya in her "big girl bed" when she was 2 1/2. It sounds like she doesn't like to be left alone when she sleeps. I would love to meet her sometime. She's simply beautiful!!! Love, Angie
