Happy Belated Mother's Day to all of the wonderful women in my life!
My first mama's day happened to be our 7th wedding anniversary as well, double whammy!
We had a wonderful weekend with our family celebrating our wedding, Kolton's 3rd birthday, & Mother's Day.

Birthday Boy!
Bria being the best big sister & cousin!
Lunch with Grandma Roxy, Aunt Manda & Kolton on Mother's Day.
Later in the afternoon after Harper's nap, we went to a garden & had a picnic.
This is an old school house on the garden grounds.
Harper loved being in school & raising her hand.
Harper took a moment to stop & smell the flowers.
Last year, I didn't feel like a mother although, technically, I was. We had a photo of a little face that we knew we'd love dearly. This year, I never imagined I could love someone so much.
I love being a mom. Some of the things I appreciate & love about motherhood are:
Hearing a little voice call for "mama" early in the morning.
Changing diapers...Yes, I do. I'm glad she's still in a baby phase.
Picking her up when she says "up, up".
Folding her teeny tiny clothes & putting them away.
Seeing her face light up when I pick her up at daycare...priceless.
Hugging & kissing me for no reason.
I could go on & on...
Happy Mother's Day!