Monday, February 28, 2011

First Haircut

Harper got her first American haircut!

 Goodbye mullet!

Harper was the perfect angel.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Last week, Harper had an appointment with the craniofacial team.  It was a multi-displinary clinic which consisted of meeting with 6 different doctors.
We met with speech pathology, genetics, plastic surgery, behavioral psychology, orthodontics, & an oral surgeon!
Our biggest concern with Harper is her speech.  The speech path doctor seems to think her speech is developing normally & has not recommended therapy at this time.
We've decided that it wouldn't do any harm to  have a few speech therapy sessions. 
Overall, there were no other concerns with her developement.
She shouldn't need anymore surgeries on her palate until she's 6 or 7yrs old.

On a funny note, while the psycholgist was talking to Harper, she asked Harper different questions.
What does a cow say??? Moo Moo
What does a doggie say?  Baxter bite...(Harper's response)
I'm dying with embarrassment....I had to show her one of her babies.
This is one of the unlucky babies in our house.

Wasn't me!

That's Baxter & Baxter bites Harper's babies....he especially likes the face!
Baxter still has alot of puppy energy in him & we have to keep her toys picked up, otherwise, they will get destroyed.

In the time we've had him, he's chewed up an Ugg boot, an Emu boot, an area rug, numerous dog beds, including the tough-chew beds, playdough, numerous babies & much more.
He's the sweetest dog, but just has alot of energy!

These last 5 months have not only been an adjustment for us, it's been a huge change in our dogs lives as well.  In the BH (before Harper) days, I would walk them almost every day. Now, they're lucky to get a walk once a week.
Poor puppies....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Wishing everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day (belated).


Harper's school had a Valentine's Day party.

She loved placing the cards in the bags.

Harper was being very gentle with a newborn. 
Her teacher, Vanessa, said she's very motherly with the other kids in the class.  She's always helping her friends put their work away & helping them get their coats on.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wavy or Straight?

What do you think?
Harper's hair is finally growing.  The back & sides seems to flip up & have a little bit of wave.  Her hair is definately not baby soft, like most 2yr olds. The texture is more like an adults hair.  She still won't wear those adorable crocheted hats & hair bands, but will let me put pony tails in her hair. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Just for fun

Harper in action....She's a bossy little thing!
This was early evening during the blizzard & we're still in our jammies!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


What defines a blizzard???
A blizzard is a severe storm condition characterized by strong winds and reduced visibility. By definition, the difference between blizzard and a snowstorm is the strength of the wind. To be a blizzard, a snow storm must have winds in excess of 56 km/h (35 mph) with blowing or drifting snow which reduces visibility to 400 meters or ¼ mile or less and must last for a prolonged period of time — typically three hours or more.[

That's what we got yesterday in Mid Missouri.
 It started snowing around 7am

With wind gusts all day

 Didn't stop until around 7 pm
 This is the back door to our deck.  The snow drifts are about 4 feet high.

 Our neighbor's car

 Neil's courageous attempt to make it to work this morning....Stuck!
Through out the day, Harper & Bria had puppet shows, baked cookies & played nonstop. We stayed in our pj's all day & enjoyed having a snow day.

Our city basically shut down, most businesses were closed besides the hospitals.
Interstate 70 was shut down from Kansas City to St Louis!
We shoveled our driveway at least 6 times to keep up with the snow. 
The snow plows came through our subdivision & we should be able to get out today.

It's fun to have a snow day every now & then, but I'm glad it's over. 
I'm ready for Spring!

Send a comment & let me know if you're snowed in & how much snow you got.
I know other areas got more snow than us.....