Where are we at right now? Our dossier is in China in the "matching room" or "review room". What does that mean. Basically, they are looking over all of our documents to make sure all is legit & match it to Harper's adoption paperwork.

This is the matching room & those are a bunch of dossiers! There are thousands of dossiers in China waiting to be matched.
We are patiently waiting for the next "big" step in this process.
LOA= letter of acceptance, which means CCAA has reviewed our dossier & matched it to Harper's file & has given us the approval to move forward. Right now we are on day 37 of waiting for our LOA. The average wait from LID to LOA (according to RQ) is about 50 days. So, we are getting very close. I hope to hear some news in the next week or 2.
After we receive our LOA, the next HUGE step is TA/CA, travel & consulate approval.
There are a few little steps between LOA & TA, but the average is about 2 months from LOA-TA.
Shortly after TA (1-3 days), we'll know be notified of when the CA will be. Our agency will tell us when we can travel. Some people travel anywhere from 1-2 weeks after receiving their TA or 1 month later.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the lingo....are you confused yet?
So, when will we travel? Just waiting on the LOA......I know there a ton of us on RQ anxiously waiting for our LOA. To my fellow RQ friends, I really hope next week we see alot of LOA's!!!